Cygnus Instruments is the leading manufacturer of ultrasonic thickness gauges employing the Cygnus-Pioneered Multiple Echo technique to give accurate, error-checked metal thickness measurements through coatings. Cygnus have also incorporated Single-Echo and Echo-Echo measuring modes into their new unit for use on metals with extreme corrosion and heavy pitting. Cygnus also carries two other ultrasonic product lines, Cygnus Hatch Sure for testing weather tightness of hatch covers and CygScopes R and RD industrial leak detectors.
Address: United Kingdom, DORCHESTER, DORSET, DT1 1PW Cygnus House, 30 Prince of Wales Road
Contact person: Sales Director Graham Haines ,e-mail, website
Phone: +44 1305 265533
Fax: +44 1305 269960
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{Ex} II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga (Ta = 0 to 45 C)